The SuperKools Turning Up the Heat in Indiana's Music Scene
Photo Courtesy: Chris Long / The SuperKools

The SuperKools: Turning Up the Heat in Indiana’s Music Scene

When you hear the name “The SuperKools,” you might think it’s just another local band trying to make it big. But let me tell you, folks, this isn’t your average group of musicians. These guys are shaking things up in North Central Indiana, and they’re doing it in style.

I recently had the chance to catch up with The SuperKools after their electrifying performance at The Rusty Nail, a popular joint in Warsaw. The place was packed to the rafters, with barely enough room to swing a cat. But that’s nothing new for this band – wherever they go, the crowds follow.

“It’s like magic,” says Joe Anglin, the band’s guitarist and one of its vocalists. “We start playing, and suddenly the place is full. It’s a rush every single time.” Joe’s not exaggerating. I’ve seen it with my own eyes. The SuperKools have this uncanny ability to transform a quiet Tuesday night into a full-blown weekend party.

But it’s not just about the numbers. The energy these folks bring to a venue is something else. From the moment they step on stage, the atmosphere changes. People who were nursing their drinks at the bar suddenly find themselves on their feet, swaying to the rhythm. Even the grumpiest of patrons can’t help but tap their feet when The SuperKools start jamming.

“We’ve got fans who follow us from gig to gig,” Ian Anglin, the keyboard maestro, tells me with a grin. “It’s like we’ve got our own little traveling circus.” And he’s right. As I looked around the crowd that night, I saw familiar faces – people I’d spotted at their last three shows. These weren’t just casual listeners; these were die-hard SuperKools fans.

It’s this loyal following that’s making venue owners sit up and take notice. Word on the street is that when The SuperKools are on the bill, cash registers start ringing. Bartenders are pouring drinks non-stop, and kitchens are churning out orders like there’s no tomorrow.

“It’s a win-win situation,” says Mike Thompson, owner of The Rusty Nail. “When The SuperKools play, we know we’re in for a good night. More people means more business, and these guys bring in the crowds like nobody’s business.”

The local clubs we play are Rex’s Rendezvous, run by Crystal Waters, and Spikes Beach Grill with Maddie, everyone’s favorite crush.

But The SuperKools aren’t just local heroes. They’re starting to make waves beyond Indiana’s borders. Just last month, they were featured on the popular TV show “Midwest Melodies.” The segment, which showcased their unique blend of blues, soul, and rock and roll, had phones ringing off the hook at venues across the state.

“That TV appearance was a game-changer,” Chris Long, the band’s bassist, explains. “Suddenly, we were getting calls from places we’d never played before. It’s like everyone wants a piece of The SuperKools pie.”

And who can blame them? With their ever-growing catalog of original compositions and their knack for breathing new life into cover songs, The SuperKools are a sure bet for any venue looking to boost its profile – and its profits.

But what really sets The SuperKools apart is their connection with their audience. It’s not just about the music; it’s about the experience. When you’re at a SuperKools show, you’re not just a spectator – you’re part of the family.

“We feed off the energy of the crowd,” says Megan Arndell, whose powerful vocals have become a signature of the band’s sound. “It’s like a conversation. We give them our music, and they give us their energy right back. It’s an incredible feeling.”

As the night wore on at The Rusty Nail, I watched as The SuperKools worked their magic. The dance floor was a sea of moving bodies, drinks were flowing, and the air was electric with excitement. It was clear that this wasn’t just a band playing a gig – this was an event.

So, if you’re a venue owner looking to inject some life into your establishment, or if you’re just someone who loves good music and great vibes, keep an eye out for The SuperKools. Trust me, when these guys roll into town, you won’t want to miss out. Because when The SuperKools play, it’s not just a performance – it’s a guarantee that your place will be the hottest spot in town.

Published by: Holy Minoza


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