Inside the mind of Mozambican entrepreneur Manisha Pratapsinh
Photo Courtesy: Adasat Barroso

Inside the mind of Mozambican entrepreneur Manisha Pratapsinh

By: Rose Smith

“I do my best to be a role model,” said Manisha Pratapsinh, a Mozambique native who recently established a bus company in her home country. 

She moved from Mozambique to Portugal before transferring to France and finding her home in Madrid, Spain. Manisha is a strong, capable, live-wire woman with a strong connection with her community. She can identify needs and wants to improve people’s lives in her home country.

Manisha earned recognition for her thriving bus company in Mozambique. But the distinction goes beyond expressing her entrepreneurial side–Manisha is also responsible for empowering her community, especially the women, to achieve their goals, making her an ideal role model worthy of recognition. 

Manisha aspires to spread the message that one’s origin, ethnicity, or physical appearance should never be a barrier to achieving one’s goals. She believes that individuals can triumph regardless of their background, and her example sends a powerful message of empowerment and equality.

Yet, when it comes to herself, the Mozambican businesswoman values humility, commitment, honesty, and leadership. 

Her business began shortly after discussing the lack of public transportation in Mozambique with her partners. Still, venturing into a male-dominated industry can be daunting, especially if a significant part of society has yet to open up to modern ideas about women dominating various sectors. 

“For a long time, I hid my business side out of fear of what people might say and judge me since it’s an area dominated by men. Until circumstances in life led me to strong women who encouraged me to talk more about Manisha, the businesswoman,” Manisha shared. 

Thanks to her newfound confidence from the other women’s support, Manisha shares the encouragement she received with other women who aim to make a difference in their respective career paths. 

“I always say that women are capable of reaching wherever they want. Never stop fighting for a place in society,” she said. 

Meanwhile, Manisha’s bus company also provides her fellow Mozambicans with livelihood aside from the transport services it initially offers. All her employees are from Mozambique since Manisha aspires to help her community and address the country’s 25 percent unemployment rate.

“I demonstrate in practice that, regardless of gender, age, and social status, anything is possible with focus and determination,” the entrepreneur said. 

The Mozambican businesswoman also remains connected to her community at a grassroots and international level, which benefits her company and its sustainability. 

For instance, conducting market research about local consumers and their areas of demand can help focus their operations. Meanwhile, Manisha’s openness to international perspectives can help her business adapt to global standards, making her bus company competitive and sustainable to achieve long-term goals. 

Manisha’s success in Mozambique sets a positive tone for individuals who want to make change happen for society. With the appropriate values and skill sets, regardless of background, especially gender, anybody can turn their dreams into a reality. All they need is to take the leap of faith and be willing to work hard and make sacrifices for the better.

Manisha Pratapsinh’s journey from Mozambique to Portugal, France, and finally settling in Madrid, Spain, showcases her determination and adaptability. Rooted in her community, Manisha possesses an innate ability to recognize and address the needs of her homeland without relying on superfluous descriptions. Her recent achievement in establishing a bus company not only underscores her entrepreneurial spirit but also highlights her commitment to uplifting her fellow Mozambicans, particularly women, towards realizing their ambitions.

In a society where traditional gender roles often dictate opportunities, Manisha’s resilience shines through as she navigates the male-dominated terrain of the transportation industry. She candidly acknowledges her initial apprehension and the encouragement she received from other women, emphasizing the importance of solidarity and support within communities. Manisha’s story serves as a beacon of inspiration for aspiring entrepreneurs, demonstrating that success knows no gender, age, or social status—only dedication and unwavering determination.

Published by: Martin De Juan

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