VizAeras: Championing the Importance of Indoor Air and Pollution Monitoring and Creating Healthier Spaces for Building Occupants

Health is wealth, as they say, and in these unprecedented times, people have become more conscious about taking care of their bodies and boosting their immune systems. However, in pursuing a healthier lifestyle, the cleanliness of one’s environment is often overlooked, most especially indoor air quality. As such, innovative venture VizAeras has created indor, a groundbreaking product that monitors indoor environmental quality.

As it stands, the majority of the public assume that the air inside their homes and workspaces is safe to breathe in; however, this is not always the case. There may be several factors that contribute to elevated pollution levels indoors.

Statistics show that people spend as much as 90% of their time behind closed doors. On top of that, an average person takes approximately 20,000 breaths each day. Therefore inhaling air with pollutants and harmful chemicals has a direct and consequential impact on one’s health, well-being, personal productivity, test scores, and even business profits.

Staying true to its name, which means “Visual Air,” VizAeras has made it its mission to promote transparency, awareness, and access to healthy building conditions. In addition, the outstanding brand aims to help create safer, healthier, and more productive spaces for those who occupy them.

Its flagship product indor utilizes a patent-pending platform technology together with state-of-the-art monitoring capabilities. Thus, even before its users enter any specific room, the product can tell them the contents present in the air and identify and measure harmful indoor pollution levels. 

Furthermore, the small hardware gadget has separated itself from the competition as the only device that allows for straightforward remote monitoring and quick-scan QR code access for any commercial building. It also has a user-friendly share and compare feature that allows users to check the indoor pollution exposure at their frequently visited or favorite spots.

Due to its promising concept and potential to create a significant contribution to society, its remarkable product Indor was recently hailed as the “Best IoT Indoor Air Quality Monitor” at the annual IMPACT 21 digital marketing conference.

Despite making great strides in advancing the conversation surrounding clean air indoors, the award-winning project still has a ways to go. Because of this, VizAeras has created a campaign on the crowdfunding platform StartEngine to continue the development and support the initial launch of its product. 

Indor could not have come at a better time as the threat of COVID-19 continues to loom on the horizon. In response to the pressing issue, California governor Gavin Newsom recently signed California Assembly Bill 841, which requires indoor air quality monitors to measure CO2 levels in every classroom in the state. Other states are also planning to pass similar ordinances for public indoor spaces such as retail stores and locations.

It won’t come as a surprise when indoor environmental quality devices become a staple in buildings and homes soon. Cognizant of this, VizAeras remains steadfast in fulfilling its goal of providing the most effective and efficient option in the market. While Google mapped “The Great Outdoors”, VizAeras intends to map and track IEQ conditions for “The Great Indoors” where we live, work, learn, heal, pray, and play.  

More information about VizAeras can be found on its website here. You can also watch this YouTube video to learn more about the indôr product and support the brand’s crowdfunding efforts at StartEngine.

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