The music industry is loaded with excitement and entertainment. When thinking about it, you likely think of something upbeat and fun. However, it’s important to remember that there are serious aspects to the job, especially if you’re in the music business. To make sure you’re protected, with the assistance of a reliable attorney, learn three ways lawyers can help musicians protect themselves.
Registration and Copywriting
If you’re the one putting all the time, energy, and heart into the music you’re creating, you’ll definitely want to protect it. The best way to go about it is typically with the assistance of a lawyer. They will know how to register your music in your name properly so that others can’t steal it and claim it as their own. Copywriting the music is also necessary; your lawyer will also be able to help you with that process.
More than just filling out the paperwork and contacting the proper agencies for this, your lawyer will help you understand what it all means. You probably don’t have much time to review legal documents and try to figure out what it all means. Your attorney will do it all and then give you the important information you need to know to protect your songs against unlawful use or infringement.
Agreements and Contracts
There are usually a lot of connections in the music industry. If you go out to perform, you’re working with venues, producers, and your crew, just to name a few. Having those connections always comes with risk, so you’ll want everything in order. It makes it clear what’s expected from you and what the person you’re working with or for knows what to expect. These agreements are frequent and sometimes confusing, so you won’t always have a lawyer draw them up.
Even if the contract was created by someone else, you should at least have your attorney review it. They’re paid to take care of these kinds of things, and they’ll know exactly what to look for so you don’t unknowingly land yourself in a situation where you’re unaware of the conditions. They can also help you with contracts within your band. For example, times occur when band members leave, and you need to agree on what’s acceptable for the exit. Do they get royalties or take the music with them? It’s more effective and creates less tension if you try to handle the contract on your own.
Court Litigation
Lastly, while it’s something you don’t want to think about, there may be times that you find yourself in a different type of litigation, even with the protection through copywriting, registration, agreements, and contracts. Whether protecting yourself from an allegation or trying to fight from the offensive side, you want a qualified lawyer standing by your side. They will ensure you know exactly what to do with the case. In some instances, they may even be able to handle the problem without you.
As you can tell, having an attorney in the music industry is more than just suggested. A lot goes on behind the scenes other than the concerts you play. Allow yourself to do what you love more often, and leave the technical aspects to a lawyer you trust.
Disclaimer: “The content in this article is provided for general knowledge. It does not constitute legal advice, and readers should seek advice from qualified legal professionals regarding particular cases or situations.”
Published by: Khy Talara