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The Artistic Journey of Elaine Robeson Malco

The hustle of today’s world has left everyone with no clue about entertainment. Back when the world lacked technology and advancements, people were fond of visiting art galleries as art is considered a source of refreshment for the mind. 

Artists refer to paintings as a way to express emotions, ideas, and creativity. Painters possess the ability to reshape any object into something so beautiful that people would automatically find themselves attracted to it. The world of art is all about sculptures, paintings, sceneries, and nature. 

Painting is a creative display of objects on a piece of paper, while sculpture is a part of visual arts that can be seen in three dimensions. Being a sculptor requires an exceptional vision. Many artists prefer to use clay, wood, plaster, or stone to carve these three-dimensional art objects. Art lovers admire the work of sculptors exceptionally. 

As the world modernized, the art of sculptors is now no longer restricted by traditional sculptural concepts, methods of production, and materials. It no longer remains static and can also be kinetic and capable of movement. It can also be projected, assembled, or constructed in a wide variety of ways rather than just being carved. Thus, the art industry has witnessed a great revolution in the past few years. 

Elaine Robeson Malco, a painter, sculptor, and art teacher, has proved that the art industry is definitely in its most advanced era. The great mind was born on June 2, 1916, in California. Her efforts for art have enabled her to encourage many women to pursue Arts as a field. 

Malco graduated from the Otis Art Institute in 1938, where she studied under several masters of art like Donna Schuster, Paul Connor, Paul Lauritz, Henry Richter, and Ralph Holmes. Her passion for art began at a very early stage of her life. Anna Hills and Paul Lauritz have always been her huge inspirations and role models. She wanted her work to become exemplary in the art world. Even after graduating from Otis Art Institute, she continued taking classes from Henry Richter, Paul Connor, and Paul Lauritz for many years. Her sculpting skills got refined over these years, and her work received a Freddy award for best Sculpting.  

Once she realized that men have dominated the industry to which she devoted all her efforts, she tried her best to encourage women to pursue this career. In 1954, Malco was successful enough that she founded the Long Beach California National League of America Pen Women. 

Later, she became the art chairman of the Pacific Coast Club from 1956 to 1971, where she exhibited great pieces of her inspiring art. She enjoyed learning new and unique styles of painting, and she traveled to different countries to learn their ways of painting and art. In a show called Shadow Mountain Club, she displayed her beautiful art piece made in the Sumi painting style, which she learned during her trip to Japan. 

Malco’s love for art has made her win awards for her services, like Ronzone Medal and CAC Gold Medal. She was also featured in the book Who’s Who because of her Art achievements. The end of her journey was on March 28, 1985. But her impeccable values are still admired by many artists and art lovers.

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