Artist, Philanthropist, and Entrepreneur DMTS Releases New EP From Poverty to Prodigy, Highlights Single “The System”

Since day 1, challenges have been part of Deivone Tanksley’s upbringing. Better known as DMTS, he has faced poverty, violence, and everyday struggles many are also facing around the world. He was in and out of jail at a young age, and that shrouded other people’s opinions of him. Still, being the visionary that he is, DMTS persevered to break the cycle and fought not to be another poster child of a Black kid causing trouble. He made a choice to change his life for the better, and with that decision came the passion for giving back to his community by using his voice to speak for the voiceless through his programs, entrepreneurial ventures, and music.

With his mission to help forward artists into the spotlight, DMTS founded his company, DMTS Network, an entertainment platform for artists and creators from all walks of life. The company’s mission is to work in unison with like-minded individuals and create real economic development to help guide the youth in the right direction. DMTS Network is a profit-sharing company amplifying genuine life stories to the rest of the world through music.

“It’s our job to start thinking for the future of our kids and their friends. Year 2022 is the vibration of change, manifestation, balance, and real opportunities,” shared DMTS. “All staff will benefit from the profits as the company grows. The goal is to turn hard-working, creative people into business owners and entrepreneurs.” 

In an effort to continually impact people, DMTS releases his new EP called From Poverty to Prodigy. Among the collection of songs in the EP is “The System,” a masterpiece that tackles real-world issues that shape people’s lives.

“Just like everyone in the world today, we are all a piece of a puzzle here on earth to discover your purpose and give it to the world. My purpose is to help shift the energy and mindset in the hearts of others to help them believe in a world of opportunities, ownership, and building economic development in communities all over the country,” shared DMTS. “Now this song, ’The System,’ is talking to the hearts of people Black and White.”

The founder and CEO aims to use his influence in the entertainment scene to shed light on some of the darkest experiences people have gone through and serve as an inspiration and educate others. DMTS Network is responsible for the successful creation of the artist’s upcoming EP From Poverty to Prodigy, making it an exceptionally promising project. 

DMTS has always been proactive in creating opportunities, especially for the Black community. Starting with his basketball mentoring program, DMTS began empowering the youth. Eventually, the program expanded to youth in jail as the visionary collaborated with wardens around his state. DMTS has also established ties with the warden and deputy warden from MYI, a youth detention center.In 2019, DMTS ran for mayor to broaden his platform to help his community. On top of having a genuine heart for public service, DMTS is an unrivaled entrepreneur. He is the owner of My Wife Didn’t Cook Restaurant. He is also the author of two books, A Mother’s Pain and Pain, Guilt, & Success. Now a husband and father of six, DMTS continues to inspire others to take their own leaps of faith and change their narratives to write their own story. With all of his contributions to others, DMTS has gained recognition as one of the most influential Black men in CT and received the Youth Tomorrow’s Award from the NAACP in 2019.

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