Music has always played a key role in increasing focus and concentration. Taking this idea forward, Phillip “Phenom” Robinson uses the power of music and spoken words to create motivating content that aims to help his listeners achieve their goals, offering an avenue to talk about the struggles and challenges one needs to face and overcome when they are on a journey of success and self-growth.

Phenom has a unique approach to training people and guiding them to improve themselves. He has worked as a cameraman for the ACC Network and as an ESPN+ producer by the age of 24. His professional career in television makes him passionate about storytelling and helping creatives achieve their objectives. He channeled this love of his into writing two books, two TEDx presentations, an EP, and podcasting. As a certified Life Coach, he also spends his time working with collegiate and professional athletes as a mentor, coach, and partner.

According to Phillip, discipline and motivation are some necessary traits one has to have to succeed, but what propels someone further is an obsession. This idea is exactly what his single track “Obsessed” is about— it questions the social standards of what it takes to be successful. Several people tend to stop mid-way on their journey toward achieving their goals. To make sure his clients do not follow a similar course, Phenom has developed a step-by-step system outlining his exceptional teachings that result in a higher percentage of his clients completing their goals. 

With all the distractions in the modern technological world, especially with so much information at our fingertips, there is a lack of consistency in everyone’s lives, which can be overwhelming for some. Phenom’s four-step method was designed to help people realize and set objectives and enhance time management while reducing stress. Once established, in-depth research is conducted to understand clients’ requirements and prepare an appropriate goal-setting procedure. After that comes the most important phase: implementation and accountability.

Life Coach Phenom

Focusing on individuals in the creative industry, Phenom shared how his background allows him to help others on the same path, saying, “As a creative, I understand how difficult it can be at times to have many ideas and attempt to figure out how to get everything done.” Explaining his scope, he shared that he targets “someone that knows everything that they want to do, but they need improvement with their time management to be able to regain control of their schedule.”

Phenom proves to be one of a kind, motivated by his passion for helping others to take action and move forward. “I didn’t choose to begin coaching; coaching chose me,” he said. “As a former athlete and current life coach, I have seen various challenges that people encounter on a daily basis. Over the years, I’ve had countless people decide to come to me for help because of my known track record.” 

With six years of experience getting things done, Phenom is confident that he will be able to help his clients navigate through challenges even before they come. “This saves my clients time and energy so we can focus on higher-value tasks,” he said.

Contrary to major artists, Phillip does not create music for the sole purpose of financial gain. Instead, he wants to inspire his listeners, so they act for themselves and understand his genuine love for people. “The only definitive thing I can see myself doing five years from now is I will still help people one way or another. How I’ll be doing that? Only God knows. I’ll be happy regardless,” said the young coach.


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