Susquehanna Valley Senior High School Conklin, New York

Conklin New York With a ranking of 526th in the state, Susquehanna Valley Senior High School is among the best schools to attend in New York. What’s more? It’s Advanced Placement® ready! In other words, any student who is willing to take on an advanced course load will have the opportunity to take AP courses and exams.

Susquehanna Valley Senior High School

Susquehanna Valley Senior High School (SVSH) is a public high school located in the town of Conklin, New York. The school is part of the Susquehanna Valley Central School District and serves grades 9-12. SVSH has an enrollment of approximately 1,200 students and offers a variety of academic and extracurricular programs.

SVSH is accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools. The school offers a challenging curriculum that prepares students for post-secondary education and the workforce. SVSH also offers a variety of extracurricular activities, including athletics, clubs, and service organizations.

The SVSH community is committed to providing a safe and supportive environment for all students to reach their full potential.


The ranking of a high school is based on many factors. The most important factor is probably the quality of the education that the school provides. Other factors include the size and location of the school, the type of curriculum offered, and the extracurricular activities available.

The ranking of Susquehanna Valley Senior High School (SVSH) is based on its educational quality. SVSH offers a rigorous academic program that prepares students for college and beyond. The school also offers a wide range of extracurricular activities, including sports, clubs, and service opportunities. SVSH is located in a rural community, which gives it a small-town feel. The school is large enough to offer a variety of programs and services, but small enough to provide individualized attention to each student.

What Advanced Placement® courses, AP® exams are offered?

The Susquehanna Valley Senior High School offers a variety of Advanced Placement® (AP®) courses and exams to help students prepare for college-level work. AP® courses are rigorous, college-level classes offer in a wide range of subjects, including English, history, science, and more. Students who take AP® courses can earn college credit and/or placement into advanced courses at colleges and universities around the world.

The Susquehanna Valley Senior High School offers the following AP® courses:

English Language and Composition

English Literature and Composition

United States History

European History

World History

Calculus AB   


Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism

 Biology   Environmental Science   Psychology    Macroeconomics   Microeconomics    Statistics    Studio Art: 2-D Design    Studio Art: 3-D Design    Studio Art: Drawing      Music Theory

 French Language and Culture     Spanish Language and Culture    Chinese Language and Culture     Japanese Language and Culture     Latin Vergil   Computer Science A   Computer Science Principles     

 Economics         Physics 1: Algebra-Based       Physics 2: Algebra-Based      Physics C: Mechanics           

 The Susquehanna Valley Senior High School also offers a variety of AP® exams. These exams are take by students who have complete an AP® course or who wish

How is the school culture?

The school culture at Susquehanna Valley Senior High School is one of respect, responsibility, and high expectations. The faculty and staff work hard to create a positive learning environment where students feel safe and supported. They also expect their students to be respectful and responsible members of the school community. This culture of mutual respect and high expectations has led to SVSH being ranked third in New York state.

The school culture at Susquehanna Valley Senior High School is one that is highly supportive and focused on helping students succeed. The faculty and staff are dedicated to providing a positive learning environment for all students, and they are constantly working to improve the school. The student body is also very diverse, which makes for a unique and enriching experience. There are many different clubs and activities available for students to get involved in, and the school offers a variety of resources to help students succeed academically. Overall, the school culture at Susquehanna Valley Senior High School is one that is highly supportive and focused on helping students succeed.

What is the student to teacher ratio?

The student to teacher ratio at Susquehanna Valley Senior High School is very favorable for students. There are an average of just over thirteen students per class, and each class is taught by a certified teacher. This allows for more individualized attention and interaction between students and teachers. Additionally, the school offers a variety of academic support services to ensure that all students have the resources they need to succeed.

The student to teacher ratio at Susquehanna Valley Senior High School is 15 to 1. This means that for every 15 students, there is 1 teacher. This is a very good ratio for a high school, as it allows each student to receive the individual attention they need to succeed.

How are tuition costs and what does it include?

According to the website, tuition for Susquehanna Valley Senior High School is $12,500 per year. This includes the cost of books, room and board, and other fees.

Test Scores at Susquehanna Valley Senior High School

The average SAT score for Susquehanna Valley students is 1210. This puts the school at third in New York State for average SAT scores. The breakdown of the scores is as follows: Critical Reading- 610, Math- 600, Writing- 580.

The school’s AP test scores are also impressive. 87% of students who took the exam scored a 3 or above. This is well above the state average of 54%.

Overall, Susquehanna Valley Senior High School has significantly higher test scores than the average New York school. This is likely due to the strong academics and rigor of the courses offered at the school.


The Susquehanna Valley Senior High School is one of the top high schools in New York. It is rank 526th out of all the high schools in the state. The school has a great academic program and offers a wide variety of extracurricular activities. The students who attend this school are very lucky to have such an excellent education opportunity.

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