Marko Stout, A New York-Based Venerated Figure In The Art World Courtesy Of His Artistic Brilliance

Art is one of those evergreen pursuits that never ceases to fascinate people, and since it can take on such a wide variety of guises and expressions, almost everyone has some level of interest in it. People in New York City are treated to an abundance of “eye candy” created by a diverse range of creative artists regularly. But since there are so many competitors in a city that never sleeps, the probability of actually “making it” there is quite low. Marko Stout, on the other hand, was an exception when it comes to achieving success at an unbelievably quick pace and is one of the artists who were successful even during the pandemic when art shows and galleries were unable to accommodate the large number of visitors that would normally come.

The singularity and individualism that Marko Stout infuses his artistic creations with are largely responsible for his work’s meteoric rise to prominence over the last several years, given the cutthroat nature of the art and media industry. Another reason that he made it to the top is because of his detachment from limitations when it comes to creating art. He does not believe in boundaries when working on his art pieces. Effort, devotion, originality, and strong imagination are the four factors that Marko Stout considers to be his companions when his artwork is concerned. 

“Marko Stout is vibrant, bold, and playful… a modern-day Warhol. His work takes you to another place, it’s like another dimension. The vibrant colors are very Jeff Koons, it’s very exciting and inspirational. I think his work is absolutely amazing.” – Lindsey Cohen

Stout began his career as an artist in San Francisco. Stout spent his formative years immersed in surfing, athletics, and rock music. Stout had a gap year after graduating from high school, during which he worked odd jobs and traveled, exposing him to new artistic and cultural experiences. He went on to further his interest in biology at Princeton University. There, he completed his medical training. While in New York, he specialized in orthopedics.

After finishing college, Marko uprooted and moved to California. While staying in the bohemian community of Sausalito, Marko made friends with local artists, writers, and gallery owners. In Mexico, they would sit about while discussing great works of literature, music, and philosophy. During his stay there, he connected with a famous local artist who had studied at the prestigious Chicago Institute of the Arts and was the owner of an art gallery. Marko Stout was, therefore, motivated to start making modern art, and his early pieces found success there. Marko is appreciative to the gallery for the opportunities it has provided him with and for the role it has played in his professional and personal achievements.

Stout is known for employing vivid colors interwoven with his dedication to develop everlasting portrayals of the sensuality in his artwork, and he does it without any hesitation. His “Erotic Allure” series of pictures loops beautifully capturing the contrast between the hardness of concrete and the softness of flesh against the metropolitan landscape. Women in his art pieces love sensuous, metropolitan styles.

“I look for ambiguity because life is ambiguous!” ― Marko Stout

Marko’s paintings and drawings have been included in several museums, galleries, and private collections across the world. The United States is filled with his one-man shows: Chicago, New York, and Miami. Other cities that have them include Tokyo, Berlin, Paris, Madrid, and Hong Kong.

Marko Stout, who already has an extensive list of accomplishments to his name, is forging forward on his groundbreaking multifaceted multimedia adventure, reaching ever-higher pinnacles of achievement and laying down the strong groundwork for his future endeavors.